Two days of debates, round tables, jam sessions, workshops, presentations and performances.
The Barcelona Music Lab Foundation, in colaboration with Gabeiras&Asociados, presents the first edition of its Conference on Music and AI, which will take place on 27 and 28 November.
The aim of this unique meeting in Spain is to reflect on the challenges that AI technology brings in itself, the opportunities and risks that, from an economic, legal and ethical point of view, AI can represent for the music industry. We want to open up a space for analysis from a broad, economic, legal and sociological perspective that becomes a benchmark for the music industry.
And to achieve all these objectives we will have leading personalities who contribute their knowledge, experience and opinions on the subject.
Jose María Lasalle, independent consultant and political analyst; Mathias Birkel, Senior Manager of Goldmedia and author of the economic and statistical study on the impact of AI in the music sector; Ibán García del Blanco, Euro MP, Spokesperson Comisión de Congresos Jurídicos and Speaker of the European AI Regulation and Marco Mezquida, musician; among many others.
In addition, we will also have the participation of the Deputy Secretary of Culture of the Ministry of Culture of the Government, Mrs Carmen Paez.
In addition to round tables and presentations, live music will also be available in spectacular format jam sessions using AI, participatory AI workshops and national and international performances.
The conference will be preceded by two spaces for reflection behind closed doors commissioned by Eva Faustino and Eva Soria. These reflection groups will be made up of professionals from different disciplines who will provide creative, legal, anthropological, philosophical and business perspectives with the aim of proposing creative and disruptive approaches to be put on the table during the conferences.
We encourage you to be attentive to our social networks and our newsletter to be the first to know the agenda of the Conferences and the options to come and participate.